

安利个电影:A Scanner Darkly(附原著中的AUTHOR'S NOTE)


导演: 理查德·林克莱特
编剧: 理查德·林克莱特
主演: 基努·里维斯 / 小罗伯特·唐尼 / Casey Chapman / 伍迪·哈里森 / Mitch Baker / 薇诺娜·瑞德
类型:剧情 / 科幻 / 动画 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪
片长:100 分钟
又名:盲区行者 / 双面魔神 / 心机扫描


首先要说的是这部电影其实不太适合看惯了商业大片或某些学院派电影的人观看。原著作者Philip K. Dick的科幻小说虽然在美国很受欢迎并经常被改编成好莱坞大片,但就A Scanner Darkly这本书而言,我作为一个稍微扫过两眼原著的人可以说这本书比较晦涩,而且由于故事背景设定在“a near future”也并没有太多天马行空的科幻设想,并不适合那些追求刺激情节或者炫酷科幻设定的读者看;电影导演林克莱特主要是拍文艺片的,而这部影片又比较忠实原著,也就是说同样比较晦涩,可以肯定不是针对主流大众的。


基于以上各种原因,一般的观众可能根本看不下去这部电影,看下去的对这部电影的评价也就是简单的“没什么意思”“看不懂”“无聊”之类。也许有人觉得就算无法欣赏情节,也可以欣赏欣赏Keanu Reeves或Winona Ryder的颜,然而Keanu在这里扮演一个落魄的小人物,整个人的形象邋遢颓废;再加上真人动画渲染,这里面人物的颜值都没怎么体现出来——甚至在Keanu的粉丝当中这部电影都很少被提起,因为晦涩难懂,而且没怎么体现出Keanu的帅气。如果不信的话可以看看本文上方的那张海报。


如果你能接受这种风格和腔调,你会发现这部电影还是有很多亮点的。作为PKD的半个书迷,我一直很喜欢他小说中对人生沉重之处的叙述,他笔下那些小人物的挣扎和对控制的迷茫与愤怒,以及某种颓败的……美感吧,这些在他的某些作品中可以一定程度上弥补情节上的不足。而A Scanner Darkly则可以算是他的内心独白。令人欣慰的是,电影成功地呈现出了他小说中的这些东西——在一些搞笑和黑色幽默的点缀之下,是挥之不去的灰暗与迷茫;在迷幻和疯狂的色彩下,是沉甸甸的现实。

在卧底期间染上新型毒品的缉毒警探Bob Arctor可以说是Keanu演过的最好的角色之一。这个角色并不仅仅是一个单纯被利用的老实人,他打动我的也不仅仅是他始终如一的单纯和善良,还有他在面对分裂的世界时的挣扎与痛苦,他内心深处那种对死气沉沉的生活和无处不在的控制的愤怒,以及尝试从中脱离的勇气。然而他却选择了一种可悲的方式来试图脱离自己所处的深渊——他跳进了另一个更黑暗更狰狞更加深不见底的深渊,最终只能撞得头破血流。在真相被揭露的那一刻,他的悲剧才被完完全全被揭露出来,随之而来的沉痛感则一直延续到电影结束,直到Thom Yorke那首Black Swan响起都依然挥之不去。


另外这片子还有点Cyberpunk的反集团因素,最大的戒毒机构New Path的设定和电影Johnny Mnemonic(大陆翻译成《捍卫机密》)中Pharmakom Industries的设定很相似,具体怎么相似我就不剧透了。

下载到A Scanner Darkly的英文原著后,我做的第一件事就是翻看后面的AUTHOR'S NOTE。写得很沉重,对理解原著和电影以及作者所处的那个疯狂的六十年代都很有帮助。我曾经尝试将其翻译成中文,然而由于水平太低,翻译出来的东西简直不忍直视。因此我就只把英文原文贴在这吧(反正原文也不怎么难懂)


This has been a novel about some people who were punished entirely too much for what they did. They wanted to have a good time, but they were like children playingin the street; they could see one after another of them being killed--run over,maimed, destroyed--but they continued to play anyhow. We really all were very happy for a while, sitting around not toiling but just bullshitting and playing, but it was for such a terrible brief time, and then the punishment was beyond belief: even when we could see it, we could not believe it. For example,while I was writing this I learned that the person on whom the character Jerry Fabin is based killed himself. My friend on whom I based the character Ernie Luckman died before I began the novel. For a while I myself was one of these children playing in the street; I was, like the rest of them, trying to play instead of being grown up, and I was punished. I am on the list below, which is a list of those to whom this novel is dedicated, and what became of each. 
Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not adisease but an error in judgment. When a bunch of people begin to do it, it is a social error, a life-style. In this particular life-style the motto is"Be happy now because tomorrow you are dying," but the dying begins almost at once, and the happiness is a memory. It is, then, only a speeding up,an intensifying, of the ordinary human existence. It is not different from your life-style, it is only faster. It all takes place in days or weeks or months instead of years. "Take the cash and let the credit go," as Villon said in 1460. But that is a mistake if the cash is a penny and the credit a whole lifetime. 
There is no moral in this novel; it is not bourgeois;it does not say they were wrong to play when they should have toiled; it just tells what the consequences were. In Greek drama they were beginning, as a society, to discover science, which means causal law. Here in this novel there is Nemesis: not fate, because any one of us could have chosen to stop playing in the street, but, as I narrate from the deepest part of my life and heart, a dreadful Nemesis for those who kept on playing. I myself, I am not a character in this novel; I am the novel. So, though, was our entire nation at this time. This novel is about more people than I knew personally. Some we all read about in the newspapers. It was, this sitting around with our buddies and bullshitting while making tape recordings, the bad decision of the decade, the sixties, both in and out of the establishment. And nature cracked down on us. We were forced to stop by things dreadful. 

If there was any "sin," it was that these people wanted to keep on having a good time forever, and were punished for that, but, as I say, I feel that, if so, the punishment was far too great, and I prefer to think of it only in a Greek or morally neutral way, as mere science, as deterministic impartial cause-and-effect. I loved them all. Here isthe list, to whom I dedicate my love:

To Gaylene             deceased

To Ray         deceased
To Francy              permanent psychosis
To Kathy               permanent brain damage
To Jim         deceased
To Val         massive permanent brain damage
To Nancy               permanent psychosis
To Joanne              permanent brain damage
To Maren               deceased
To Nick        deceased
To Terry               deceased
To Dennis              deceased
To Phil        permanent pancreatic damage
To Sue         permanent vascular damage
To Jerri               permanent psychosis and vascular damage

. . . and so forth. 

In Memoriam.These were comrades whom I had; there are no better. They remain in my mind, andthe enemy will never be forgiven. The "enemy" was their mistake inplaying. Let them all play again, in some other way, and let them be happy.



最后,Bob Arctor的情况只是在电影那种特别设定下产生的个例,最好还是不要将其与现实中的缉毒警探对号入座。

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